







杨冰,男,教授1977年3月出生,山东省枣庄市人,中国共产党党员,理学博士,星空·体育(StarskySports)官方网站硕士研究生导师先后承担过《大学物理》,《力学》,《电星空·体育(StarskySports)官方网站学》,《电星空·体育(StarskySports)官方网站电子学》,《数学物理方法》,《近代物理实验》,《模拟电路实验》,《电星空·体育(StarskySports)官方网站学实验》等课程的教学星空·体育(StarskySports)官方网站作。获山东省高校优秀科研成果奖一等奖1项,聊城大学优秀科研成果奖一等奖1项,二等奖1三等奖2项。是Opt.Lett., J. Electro. Material,Frontiers of Optoelectronics期刊审稿人


  • 研究领域:



  • 承担项目:


1: 二维非周期微纳结构中光学拓扑态的形成机理及其调控研究, 山东省自然科学基金(面上项目,ZR2021MA091,10万),2022.01--2024.12.


3: 非周期光学微纳结构中光学拓扑态研究,聊城大学博士基金项目318051705,12万),2017.9--2020.8.


  • 代表性论文(第一作者或通讯作者)

[1] Wenjie Sui, Yu Zhang, Zirui Zhang, Hongfang Zhang, Zengtao Lv, Qiang Shi, Dong Zhang, and Bing Yang, Unidirectional propagation of helical edge states via exciting pseudospin d states in two dimensional photonic crystals. Applied Physics Letters, 2023, 122(11): 111103.

[2] Wenjie Sui, Yu Zhang, Zirui Zhang, Hongfang Zhang, Qiang Shi, Zengtao Lv, Bing Yang, Pseudospin topological phase transition induced by rotation operation in two-dimensional dielectric photonic crystal with C6 symmetry. Optics Communications, 2023, 527: 128972.

[3] Hongfang Zhang, Wenjie Sui, Yu Zhang, Gangcheng Liu, Qiang Shi, Zengtao Lv, Dong Zhang, Chuicai Rong, and Bing YangDisorder-Driven Collapse of Topological Phases in Photonic Topological InsulatorPhysica Status Solidi b 2022, 259(10): 2200214.

[4] Sui Wen-Jie Zhang Yu Zhang Zi-Rui Wang Xiao-Long Zhang Hong-Fang Shi Qiang Yang BingUnidirectional propagation control of helical edge states in topological spin photonic crystalsActa Physica Sinica, 71, 194101 (2022)

[5] Bing Yang, Hongfang Zhang, Qiang Shi, et.al, Details of the topological state transition induced by gradually increased disorder in photonic Chern insulators. Optics Express, 2020, 28(21): 31487-31498.

[6] Bing Yang, Hongfang Zhang, Tong Wu, Ruixin Dong, Xunling Yan, and Xiangdong Zhang, Topological states in amorphous magnetic photonic lattices. Physical Review B 2019, 99, 045307.

[7] Bing Yang, Tong Wu and Xiangdong Zhang. Engineering topological edge states in two dimensional magnetic photonic crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 110(2): 021109.

[8] Bing Yang, Tong Wu and Xiangdong Zhang. Topological properties of nearly flat bands in two-dimensional photonic crystals. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2017, 34(4): 831-836.

[9] Bing Yang, Tong Wu, Yue Yang and Xiangdong Zhang. Effects of charges on the localized surface phonon polaritons in dielectric nanoparticles. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2017, 34(6): 1303-1309.

[10] Bing Yang, Tong Wu, Yue Yang and Xiangdong Zhang. Tunable subwavelength strong absorption by graphene wrapped dielectric particles. Journal of Optics, 2015, 17(3):035002.





  • 会议报告:

Bing Yang, et.al. Nearly Flat Bands in TwoDimensional Magnetic Photonic Crystals and Associated Topological Properties2016.09, 10th International Congress in Microwaves and Optics (in Spain)