序号 |
成果名称 |
出版社(报刊)名称 及出版(刊载)年月 |
被收录情况及反响 |
Versatile MnO2/CNT Putty-Like Composites for High-Rate Lithium-Ion Batteries |
Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 1800362 |
SCI二区4.834 |
metal organic framework derived core-shell structured Co9S8@NC@MoS2 nanocubes for supercapacitor |
ACS Applied Energy Materials,2018,1,3513-3520 |
新期刊 |
Stretchable, Transparent, and Self-Patterned Hydrogel-Based |
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2018, 28, 1802576 |
SCI一区13.325 |
Template-Free Synthesis of Cobalt Silicate Nanoparticles Decorated Nanosheets for High Performance Lithium Ion Batteries |
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. |
SCI一区6.140 |
Highly Dispersive MoP Nanoparticles Anchored on Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanosheets for an Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst |
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 31, 26258-26263 |
SCI一区8.97 |
Solution-Processed Wide-Bandgap Organic Semiconductor |
Small 2017, 1701437 |
SCI一区9.598 |
Organic non-volatile memory based on pentacene/tris(8-hydroxy quinoline) |
Organic Electronics 57 (2018) 335–340 |
SCI二区3.680 |
Multifunctional supramolecular vesicles for |
Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 10328--10331 |
SCI一区6.29 |
A perylene diimide zwitterionic polymer for |
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2018, 6, 3395--3403 |
SCI一区4.776 |
Enhancing hydrophilicity of photoacoustic |
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2018, 6, 4531-4538 |
SCI一区4.776 |
Dual-wavelength mid-infrared CWand Q-switched laser in diode end-pumped Tm,Ho:GdYTaO4 crystal |
Laser Physics Letters 2018.2, 15(2): 025801~025804 |
SCI二区/2.240 |
Tungsten disulfide - graphene oxide as saturable absorber for passively Q-switched mode-locked Nd: GdTaO4 laser at 1066 nm |
Optics Communications, 2018.1.1, 406 : 76~79 |
SCI三区/1.887 |
Compact passively Q-switched Nd:GGG laser with antimony telluride-graphene oxide as saturable absorber, |
Optics and Laser Technology 105 (2018) 41–44. |
SCI三区/2.503 |
Ionic conduction in sodium azide under high pressure: Experimental and theoretical approaches |
Applied Physics Letters, 2018年4月 |
SCI二区Top |
Hydride ion (H-) transport behavior in barium hydride under high pressure |
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018年4月 |
SCI二区Top |
High-pressure dielectric behavior of polycrystalline CaMoO4 : The role of grain boundaries |
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018年1月 |
SCI二区Top |
Investigation on electrical transport properties of nanocrystalline WO3 under high pressure |
Journal of Materials Science, 2018年5月 |
SCI二区Top |
Influence of inversion defects and Cr–Cr pairs on the photoluminescent performance of ZnAl2O4 crystals |
J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2018) 85:121–131 |
SCI三区/1.745 |
Improvement of structural and optical properties of ZnAl2O4:Cr3+ ceramics with surface modification by using various concentrations of zinc acetate |
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology (2018)
SCI三区/1.745 |
Blind identification of the number of sub-carriers for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing-based elastic optical networking |
Optics Communications, 2018, 411: 101-107. |
Window-split structured frequency domain Kalman equalization scheme for large PMD and ultra-fast RSOP in an optical coherent PDM-QPSK system |
Optics Express, 2018, 26(6): 7211-7226. |
SCI 2区 |
Polarization Insensitive High Index Contrast Gratings Beam Splitter with Focusing Ability |
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,2018,4 |
SCI检索(2.375) |
Polarization Insensitivity Filter With 2D Sub-wavelength High Contrast Gratings
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), 2018年11月
EI |
MB_OFDM UWB接收机IQ不平衡和载波频偏的联合估计与补偿 |
北京理星空·体育(StarskySports)官方网站大学学报, 2018, 38(7): 739-743,765 |
EI |
超宽带接收机IQ不平衡估计与补偿方法 |
仪器仪表学报, 2018, 39(6): 157-163.
核心期刊 |
石鳖齿舌牙齿中的磁铁矿物质 |
四川大学学报(自然科学版),2018年第4期 |
磁铁矿磁感受器神经信号转换过程 |
四川大学学报(自然科学版),2018年第2期 |
Ultrathin Terahertz Dual-Band Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Using Asymmetric Double-Split Rings Resonator |
Symmetry 2018.7 |
SCI四区 |
Dual-Band Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Based on an Asymmetric H-Shaped Structure for TerahertzWaves |
Materials 2018.11 |
SCI二区 |
Evolution of a two-mode squeezed vacuum for amplitude decay via continuous-variable entangled state approach |
Front. Phys. 13(5), 130322,2018.10 |
SCI二区 |
Nonclassicalthermal-state superpositions:Analytical evolution law and decoher- ence behaviour |
Opt. Commun. 411, 15–20, 2018.3 |
SCI三区 |
Nonclassicality of photon- added displaced thermal state via quantum phase- space distributions |
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 024001 , 2018.1 |
SCI三区 |
Optical tomograms of multiple-photon-added Gaussian states via the intermediate state representation theory |
J. Exp. Theor. Phy., 127, 383–390, 2018.3 |
SCI四区 |
Generation of a kind of displaced thermal states in the diffusion process and its statistical properties |
Int J Theor Phys, 57:1202–1209, 2018.4 |
SCI四区 |
Improved electrical transport properties of an n-ZnO nanowire/p-diamond heterojunction
RSC Advance |
Enhanced luminescence and prolonged lifetime of Eu-PMMA films based on Au@SiO2 plasmonic hetero-nanrods |
Journal of Luminescence 204 (2018) 284-288 |
SCI二区 |
Modified emission of polymer films by ultrathin Ag nanoparticle films |
Vacuum 157 (2018) 111-114 |
SCI三区 |
Electrical manipulation of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in a Pt/Co/Pt trilayer grown on PMN-PT(0 1 1) substrate |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2018年2月 |
SCI 二区 |
Nondiffracting light beams carrying fractional orbital angular momentum |
Journal of the optical society of America A 2018.02 |
SCI 3区 |
The design of large mode-area, single mode Yb:KYW rib loaded waveguide for high performance waveguide laser applications
Optik 2018年10月 |
SCI 四区 |
Designing MMI structured beam-splitter in LiNbO3 crystal based on a combination of ion implantation and femtosecond laser ablation |
Optics Express 2018年 |
SCI 二区 |
Distinguishing Majorana bound states and Andreev bound states with microwave spectra |
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter,2018年3月 |
SCI 2区 |
Coupling effect of topological states and Chern insulators in two-dimensional triangular lattices |
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97.125430 (2018) 2018年3月27日 |
SCI 二区 |
Strong magnetization and Chern insulators in compressed graphene/CrI3 Strong magnetization and Chern insulators in compressed graphene/CrI3 van derWaals heterostructures |
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97, 085401 (2018) 2018年2月1日 |
SCI 二区 |
Novel Chern insulators with half-metallic edge states |
NPG Asia Materials 10, 467, (2018) 2018年2月9日 |
SCI 一区 |
Non-Dirac Chern insulators with large band gaps and spin-polarized edge states |
Nanoscale,10,8569-8577 (2018) 2018年4月3日 |
SCI 一区 |
A novel three-ring-core few-mode fiber with large effective area and low nonlinear coefficient |
Optoelectronics Letters,2018, 14(1):30-35 |
EI |
色散平坦光纤中的高速率PM-16QAM 信号传输研究 |
红外与激光星空·体育(StarskySports)官方网站程,2018,47(9):0922003-1-8 |
EI |
Research on mode division multiplexer with graded-index distribution, low loss and low crosstalk |
Optoelectronics Letters,2018,14(5):336-341 |
EI |
56Gbit/s、4QAM信号在Front-haul色散平坦光 |
光电子激光,2018,29(6):610-617 |
核心 |
Minimising efficiency roll-off in high-brightness perovskite light-emitting diodes |
Nature communications |
SCI一区1/12.353 |
Highly Dispersive MoP Nanoparticles Anchored on rGO Nanosheets for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst |
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces |
SCI一区1/8.097 |
Nano-confined CoSe2/Mo2C nanoparticles encapsulated into porous carbon nanofibers for superior lithium and sodium storage |
Materials Today Energy |
Metal Organic Framework Derived Core-shell Structured Co9S8@N-C@MoS2 Nanocubes for Supercapacitor |
ACS Applied Energy Materials |
Blind identification of the number of sub-carriers for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing-based Elastic Optical Networking |
Opt.Commun. |
SCI收录 3区 |
环状光纤椭圆双折射对一阶OAM-PMD的影响 |
激光与光电子学进展,2018年第7期 |
核心 |
环状光纤不圆度对OAM模式传输性能的影响 |
光通信研究 |
核心 |
Study on the Effects of Ellipticity and Misalignment on OAM Modes in a Ring Fiber |
光电子快报 |
EI |
Acousto-Optic Q-Switched Fiber Laser-Based Intra-Cavity Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for Trace Gas Detection |
Sensors 2018, 18, 42 |
SCI 3区 |
Improvement in QEPA Ssystem ututilizing a second harmonic based wavelength calibration technique |
Optics Communications |
SCI 3区 |
QEPAS Sensor for Simultaneous Measurements of H2O, CH4, and C2H2 Using Different QTFs |
IEEE Photonics Journal,Volume 10, Number 6, December 2018 |
SCI 3区 |
Wavelength modulation technique-based photoacoustic spectroscopy for multipoint gas sensing |
Vol. 57, No. 11 / 10 April 2018 / Applied Optics |
SCI 3区 |
PHOTONIC SENSORS 卷: 8 期: 4 页: 358-366 出版年: DEC 2018 |
SCI 4区 |
OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 卷: 50 期: 4 文献号: UNSP 187 出版年: APR 2018 |
SCI 4区 |